大人着用兜の二分の一の寸法でNHKの大河ドラマに鎧兜を提供している甲冑師の手作りの作品です目立った傷はありませんが陳列処分品ですので多少のすり傷はありますこの事をご理解いただける方のご購入を希望いたします寸法は高さ62cm間口 奥行き27cm 赤備えの蜻蛉前立ては前にしか飛ばないトンボ即ち勇猛果敢さをイメージしてありますまた三日月の前立ても勇猛果敢な武将の甲冑です前立てを飾り変えてお楽しみいただけますお家のインテリアにも最適です大リーグの大谷選手の被った兜の甲冑匠の手作りの兜でもありますインバウンドのお土産にも喜ばれる作品ですIt is half the size of an adult helmet and is a handmade work by an armor maker who provides armor for NHK's historical dramas. It is a limited edition. There are no noticeable scratches, but since it is a display clearance item, there are some scratches. We would like to purchase it from someone who understands this. The dimensions are height 62 cm, width 27 cm, depth 27 cm. The red dragonfly crest is a dragonfly that only flies forward, which represents bravery and courage. The crescent moon crest is also the armor of a brave warrior. You can enjoy it by changing the crest. It is also perfect as home decor. It is a work that will be appreciated as a souvenir for inbound tourists