種類···五月人形五月人形の特徴···兜飾り、鎧飾り伝統工芸甲冑匠 尚光作の和紙小札 赤正絹糸威印伝革を用いた作品です店内陳列品ですので多少のすり傷はございますインテリアでお楽しみ頂くには差し障りはございませんまたインバウンドのお土産として最適です兜のフクサは新品をお付け致します間口33奥行28高さ48センチです神経質な方はご遠慮くださいSamurai helmet traditional craftThis samurai helmet is made byTraditional craft armor craftsman NAOMITULong hoe type pure gold plated hoe shapepure silk threadThe bowl is made by combining iron platesThe helmet'part is made of Japanese paper coated with lacquer.Since it is a display item in the store, there are some scratchesRecommended souvenirs for foreignersPlease refrain from nervous peopleFrontage 33height 2848 cm deep