最終値下げ値下げ不可すき家の金のどんぶり&金の箸が初めて登場した回になります。金の丼金の箸オーダーメイドで作った座布団とミラータイプのアクリルケースです。当選案内の手紙もございます。届いて直ぐにケースに移し、日の当たらない場所で飾っていましたので金の丼に傷等はありません箸は開けたのみで箸に触れておりません。約8年経ちますが非常に状態も良いです。よろしくお願いいたします。金のどんぶりURL↓↓https://www.sukiya.jp/news/2016/11/20161102.html金の箸URL↓↓https://www.sukiya.jp/news/2016/11/20161116_2.htmlThis is the first time that Sukiya's Golden Bowl & Golden Chopsticks were featured.Golden BowlGolden ChopsticksA custom-made cushionA mirror-type acrylic case.A letter informing you of the winning is also included.I moved it to the case immediately after receiving it and displayed it in a place out of the sun, so there are no scratches on the golden bowl.The chopsticks have only been opened and have not been touched.It has been about 8 years, but it is in very good condition.Thank you.Golden Bowl URL ↓↓https://www.sukiya.jp/news/2016/11/20161102.htmlGolden Chopsticks URL ↓↓https://www.sukiya.jp/news/2016/11/20161116_2.html