・ラストワン賞 ウォーグレイモン フィギュア … 1体\r※未開封未使用品となっております。\r\r※ 店頭に並んでいた商品の為、傷凹み等ご理解ご了承の上ご検討の方お願い致します。\r※配送時、箱に多少の凹み等出てしまう可能性がございますのでご了承ください。\r プチプチにて梱包し発送致します。\r※未開封の為中身の状態は不明の為、初期不良等御座いましたらメーカーさんへ直接ご連絡の方お願い致します。\r\r\r\r・Mon figure skating ... one wow gray the last one prize\r※It becomes the non-opening-free article.\r\r※ For the product which hit the shelves, the examination would like the wound dents after understanding approval.\r※At the time of delivery, please note that the appearing possibility such as some dents is in the box.\rPetit; petit; is similar, and pack it, and send it out.\r※Because the state of the contents is unidentified because it is unopened, I would like the notification to a maker directly if there is initial defectiveness.