It is the simulated sword of the plain-wood scabbard. The blade crest contains the eyes of each other, the stick gutter which is used by a quick draw of the sword.It is a plain-wood scabbard for a simulated sword of good workmanship.I make it, and how about to the lesson of an exercise and the quick draw of the sword of the production, the stage tool?Small フクレ is around one place, but there is a wound without a curve and a wound to a sword blade in the times as it is a thing possessed in a storehouse to make it. One for the perfection and the nervous person are not expected.Full length (拵) ... about 71cmLength of a blade ... about 46cmFormer width ... about 3.0cmLast width ... about 2.5cmCurve ... about 2.0cm白鞘の模擬刀です。刃紋は互の目、一般的に居合で用いられる棒樋が入っています。模擬刀にしては出来の良い白鞘です。拵え製作の練習や居合の稽古、舞台道具等に如何でしょうか。刀身には曲がりや傷もなく小さいフクレが1箇所程度ですが、蔵に所蔵されていた物なので、完璧を求める方や神経質な方は御遠慮下さい。全長(拵)…約71cm刃渡…約46cm元幅…約3.0cm先幅…約2.5cm反り…約2.0cm鯉口や柄にガタもなく、出来が良いので大事にして頂けると思います。#白鞘#日本刀#脇差#小太刀#居合#樋入り#互の目