コストパフォーマンスNo.1のアンビエント系ペダル。守備範囲が広く、使い勝手がなかなか良いので、自分でも愛用しています。新品未使用品即購入頂けます。●商品説明\rThe reverb modes on offer include Plate, Church, Spring, Eko-Verb, Shimmer, Comet, Rewind, Forest and Pulse. That’s a lot of options given the price point.\rThe controls are relatively standard, but there are a few peculiarities: Mix, Decay and the Reverb mode large, as usual.\rTone controls and an additional mod-controller on reverb pedals in this affordable price class.\rThe mod-controller adds another layer of functionality to the R-14. It sets modulation for each effect.\r3 modes of lighting are available to adjust when the ambient lighting comes on.種類···エレキギター