とても華やかな佐賀錦の帯地です。結婚式といえば佐賀錦と言われるほど格が高い織物です。扇子の模様がピンクで本当に可愛らしいです。織地も銀と金に動くたびに変化します。お姫様が締めていそうな帯です。購入した時は高かったのですが、使うあてもないのでお蔵入りしていたのを出品します。結婚式やパーティーなどに佐賀錦の帯で華やかに装ってください。お着物好きの方におすすめです。テーブルクロスにも華やかです。佐賀錦 正絹100% 24金、銀箔使用●素人での保管ですのでご了承いただける方のみご購入ください。A very glamorous Saga Nishiki obi. This textile is so prestigious that it is known as Saga Nishiki when it comes to weddings. The fan pattern is really pretty in pink. The weave also changes every time it moves between silver and gold. It is an obi that looks like something a princess would wear. It was expensive when I bought it, but I have no intention of using it, so I am exhibiting it in storage. It is also good to tailor an obi for a bride-to-be. Recommended for kimono lovers. It is also gorgeous as a tablecloth. Saga Nishiki 100% pure silk with 24-karat gold and silver foil. Please purchase only if you understand that it is kept by an amateur.#佐賀錦 #帯地 #24金 #テーブルクロス #kimono#obi #嫁入り道具 #姫 #帯 #舞妓